How important is symmetry in my cabinet design?

We are talking about your design’s doors and cabinets sizes. When you’re designing an asymmetrical kitchen with some odd spaces or your preferred cabinet placement seems to create an asymmetrical look, it requires some creativity to get the desired end result. In the video below we are specifically looking at the mismatched cabinet door sizes for this application.

This particular example appears to be a cabinet that is 39 inches wide with one 24 inch door and an adjacent 15 inch door. It stands out a tad as you enter the kitchen. Many times, an overlooked detail such as this can be avoided with a couple of adjustments.

With this application, I would maintain the desired cabinet size of 39 inches, but order and install two equal sized doors on it instead. Or, a 36 inch cabinet could have been installed with an additional spacer or filler to obtain the overall desired width.

Either way, I think the primary goal for the customer is for the install and design to function efficiently while achieving the desired design aesthetics of the kitchen. When it comes to the design and appeal of a kitchen cabinetry install, symmetry is key to the success of the project. Always try to pair same sized adjacent doors.

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